- Custom Slug of Timeline Stories: To create a custom URL slug for your timeline stories, here you can type in a custom URL slug or leave blank to use ‘timeline’ as the default slug.
Remember to save the permalink again in Settings -> Permalinks.
- Year Label: Using this option you can hide/show timeline midline year label.
- Hide Stories Dates: Hide/show date on stories timeline by this option.
- Stories Date Formats: Choose any date format type from various options showing only “Month and date” to complete the “month/date/year” format.
- Enable custom date Format: Enable it if you want to add custom date format.
- Custom Date Formats: Add your own custom date format, after choosing custom, in date format, in story timeline shortcode settings.
- Content-Length: This option is used to specify the number of words to the story’s descriptions.
- Display Read More: Choose whether to show the read more button or not when content Lenth is short.
- Stories Read More Text: This is an extension of the “display read more” option. You can change the text from “read more” to anything you want from this option.
- Open read more link in: Choose whether to show the read more link in same tab or in new tab.
- Stories Default Icon: To change the default icon for the stories. This default icon can be overridden through stories icon settings.
- Stories Images: Featured image of a story can open as a popup or in a new tab.
- Stories Slideshow: You can enable slideshows in your story timeline.
Note: Slideshow can be selected through ‘Media Type’ while creating/updating the timeline story.
- Slide Show Speed: A story images slideshow speed / a slider animation speed can be changed. The value is considered as milliseconds so, 1000ms = 1 second.